Phone(+65) 6284 3818 | | Enquriy |
Probe channels:4
Input impedance:1011Ω
Potential range: ±2.5V
Potential resolution: 0.1mV
Rs range: 10Ω~500KΩ
Rp range: 5Ω~10MΩ
Corrosion rate: 0.1μm ~10mm/a
Absolute Measurement Accuracy: <±1%
Sine wave amplitude: 1mV~100mV
Sine wave frequency: 10KHz~0.001Hz
Timing interval: 1~255h
Data storage: 10,000
Clock error: ±1min/month
Power: AC 220V/ DC 1.5V(4 AA cell)
Dimensions: 260×165×200mm,weight: 3.5Kg
Temperature: -10~ 50℃, relative humidity: ≤ 80%, away from corrosive gas
1. in-situ corrosion rate measurements and corrosion inhibitor evaluation and screening in petroleum& chemical industry, building & bridge construction site.
2. Metal corrosion rate measurements in high-resistance system such as waste water containing oil, soil, concrete.
EIS Tools software can be used to download and analyze corrosion data stored in CST800E corrosion meter. It has a good compatibility with windows XP/win7/win8/win10. The main functions include: data files management, graphical display of polarization resistance, solution resistance, open circuit potential and corrosion rate curves. All graphics can be cut and pasted into Word document. It can output data file with ASCII format for further data processing.
EIS Tools software can fully control CST800E device, set up parameters and start the measurement. By USB interface, the user can use a laptop or a desktop to control.